理学硕士 信息科学

我们的米.S. 信息科学 offers interdisciplinary skills by combining computer 科学, 业务分析, UX设计课程. This degree will broaden your career possibilities and provide you with in-demand skills for a variety of career opportunities.


Computer scientists and information technologists build the 程序s that gather information and ensure that networks, 系统, 数据库运行顺畅.

Business analytics professionals are experts in interpreting information, using it to make decisions.

Designers create a user experience that presents information in a pleasing way and holds peoples’ interest.

这些专家中的每一位都发挥着至关重要的作用. But what if you were the one who combined knowledge of all of those disciplines and understood how they work together? 用M表示.S. 信息科学, 你会很专业的, an expert on all the facets of information and their interdisciplinary dependence on each other. 当大多数组织倾向于隔离艺术时, 科学, 在他们的运作中进行信息交易, your broad-based skills and big-picture perspective will be an invaluable asset to them.


M .的36学分课程.S. 信息科学汇集了一套技术工具, 以用户为中心的设计, 信息的领导, and critical-thinking and analytics skills that will empower you to evaluate — and make decisions from — the tidal wave of information flooding every single organization today.

Our broad and intensive core curriculum spans disciplines from three colleges — Arts & 科学, the 庞培商学院, and the Tagliatela工程学院.

从艺术 & 科学, 你将学习UX -用户体验-和人类体验, applying human-centered design and the development process to take an idea from concept to production.

来自商学院的课程, 您将了解如何解释数据, using it to identifying patterns and predict outcomes that inform decision-making.

通过工程学院的课程, 你将获得设计技能, 管理, 部署网络系统, 强调云计算, 大数据收集, 以及信息安全.


  • develop a plan for creating business and social value with UX-driven opportunities,
  • 运用数据可视化技术来做决定,
  • convert a problem’s specifications into the 程序 language that will address it,
  • apply an ethical decision-making process to ambiguous situations, and
  • create a solution that uses leadership techniques to craft an organization’s response to a real-world problem.

The 程序’s core curriculum will give you a solid foundation in all three disciplines that define the field, 但机会是, 你会倾向于其中一种而不是另外两种. 因此,我们提供了一个机会,专注于:

  • 用户体验和人类体验,
  • 商业分析,或
  • 信息技术
Practical learning opportunities that put experience on your résumé before you graduate

我们的实习和合作项目会给你宝贵的机会, 现场经验通常会带来工作机会, 当雇主观察你的技能并评估你如何应对挑战时. 这是工作经验和面试的结合.

在校园, you will have the chance to work closely with 教师 on research projects, 展示你的创造力, 你的批判性思维和分析能力, 以及你在信息技术方面不断增长的知识.


营利性和非营利性, 零售业务及采购, 政府机构, and every company along the supply chain — if they’re data-driven and dependent on the processing of information, 他们需要一位信息科学方面的专家. 主要部门都在找你? 认为电子商务, 金融, 医疗保健, 高等教育, 政府, 职业体育, 对于初学者来说.


  • 数据科学家
  • 数据工程师
  • 数据挖掘专员
  • 数字艺术家
  • Web程序员
  • 信息架构师
  • 情报分析师
  • 专家元数据
  • 新闻主任
  • 用户体验产品设计师


美国.S. 劳工统计局(BLS)的项目约有3个,300 openings for computer and information research scientists over the next decade. As of May 2021*, the median annual wage for these professionals was $131,490. Here are a few other job titles and their median annual salaries from the BLS:








All 网赌上分平台 students have access to the many resources available through the University’s 职业发展中心它被评为全国最好的学校之一 普林斯顿评论.

来自职业评估, 网络, 从工作见习到校园面试和薪资谈判, the 职业发展中心 provides the skills and connections to identify a meaningful career and an opportunity to pursue your passion.

  • 使用C语言进行计算机程序设计的第一门课程, 对于那些很少或没有编程经验的人. 解决问题的方法,程序规划,开发和测试. 良好的编程实践和良好的风格. 简单的预处理器使用, 对象, 表达式, 功能, 库, 基本类型, 数组, 和指针. 将需要广泛的规划.

  • Primary focus of this course is on the data visualization tools and techniques. The course will utilize Tableau Desktop and Tableau Public data visualization tool. 连接到外部数据源, 将数据传输到交互式仪表板将得到强调. This course also provides the mathematical and statistical preparation to support data analysis tools and techniques and prepare the student to apply quantitative methods and data analysis techniques. 主题包括Tableau, 数据透视表, 数据表示, 统计数据分析, 创建仪表板和讲故事.

  • Core skills necessary for professional data scientists to succeed in an industry setting. Students learn the skills of data visualization in parallel with the soft skills of communicating with a non-technical audience, 面试技巧, 以及核心的数据科学领导技能. Emphasis is placed on enabling students to listen to articulated business needs or problem cases and learn how to propose as well as execute data 科学 solutions to effectively meet these needs. Students may receive exemption from prerequisites at the instructor's discretion.

  • A survey of database 系统, their purposes, structures, 功能 and uses. 主题包括数据库系统的概述, 主要数据库模型, 设计与实现, 介绍典型的数据库系统, 数据库系统的内部运行.

  • 在Python中开发简单脚本的技术和工具. It introduces Python by a comparative approach and explores the Python 库 and their applications to varied tasks. 将分配单独的脚本项目. 需要C和/或Java知识.

  • The 网赌上分平台 offers a wide variety of in-depth courses that create a transformational educational experience for our students. To view the complete list of courses you'll take while pursuing a master’s degree 信息科学, 查看学术目录:


    信息科学硕士.S. 学位核对表


Our 教师 are leaders and innovators in their fields, bringing both deep professional experience 以及课堂上的学术严谨.
